Dude’s Reaction To Girlfriend Almost Getting Zapped By Lightning Is Hysterical

Based on this guy’s reaction to his girlfriend running rather quickly on slick rocks, you knew he’d lose his shit if something crazy happened, like a bolt of lightning striking within a few feet of her, for example.

The couple was cruising along a rock shelf in Sydney, Australia during a recent thunderstorm, something that proved to be about as dangerous as it sounds. Thankfully, nobody was killed or even injured by the lightning strike.

And we’re not sure what accent this guy is sporting, but I’d be down for grabbing a 12-pack of Pabst Blue Ribbon, sitting around the campfire and throwing him 20 bucks to hear to him read “Fifty Shades of Grey” aloud.

h/t Barstool Sports

It’s not good when you can “feel” a bolt of lightning: Lightning Strikes Don’t Get Much Closer Than This


