The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

Imagine seeing someone take a selfie ten years ago. You’d think they were completely insane. Nowadays cell phone cameras have to have a feature that lets you take a photo of your own face because we’ve become obsessed with taking pictures of ourselves. The internet is flooded with people trying to outdo each other with the most over the top and absurd selfies. Unfortunately, we’ve looked through more of them than any human should, and put together the 50 worst selfies ever posted online. Brace yourself because it is not a pretty sight to see.

50. What if this was before some sort of chicken prom?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

49. The good news is your selfie went viral. The bad news is you no longer have a face.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

48. This proves it’s impossible to look sexy while holding a roll of toilet paper.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

47. Are those Uggs on the toilet? One of these people is either very overdressed or extremely underdressed for the weather.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

46. This is how every Nicholas Cage selfie should look.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

45. When your lawnmower game is on point and you want everyone to know.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

44. Ah, the miracle of life.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

43. If your boat’s sinking and your passengers are struggling to stay above water, always take a selfie.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

42. Imagine explaining to your parents how you accidentally set the bathroom on fire.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

41. The police are tackling someone. Obviously we have to document this with our faces.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

40. Let’s just get the Geraldo selfie out of the way now so you’re not dreading it the entire time.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

39. Literally everything about this picture is horrendous, right down to that leopard print hand towel.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

38. “Can you give me, like, five minutes, Heather?!”
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

37. If we knew how our food was really prepared, we’d never go out to eat again.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

36. You can either make sure there’s not a mirror in the background or just wait until you’re done pooping to take a selfie.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

35. I pray this was for Halloween.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

34. Do you realize how much preparation it took for him to take a selfie that looked like he was on a flying tricycle?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

33. She realizes she’s in public, right?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

32. You should go directly to jail for this, even if it was originally just going to be a warning.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

31. What could possibly go wrong?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

30. All this, plus he’s still using a flip phone?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

29. No one is less excited about this picture than the cat getting picked up by his crotch.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

28. That’s definitely going in the baby book as a treasured memory.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

27. I have tried to recreate this and I still have no idea what she was trying to accomplish. Please let me know your theories.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

26. I quit.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

25. Great, now I’m terrified to use anyone else’s phone because I’m afraid they just rubbed their toes all over it.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

24. Is there a more accurate photo of the current generation gap than this one?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

23. You might die, but at least you got 8 likes!
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

22. “See honey, this is how you’re going to get a new daddy.”
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

21. Trust me, no one wants to have their head hidden in the corner more than him.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

20. I’m sorry, but whatever reason she’s crying is completely deserved.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

19. Always check the reflection in your glasses when you’re taking a selfie while dildo shopping.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

18. This may actually be the greatest selfie of all time.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

17. That kid will never be able to unsee the horrible things he’s probably witnessed.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

16. Was the smiley face emoji really necessary?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

15. I want to see the picture she took more than I’ve ever wanted to see anything.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

14. This is a great reminder of what happens when you take unprotected selfies.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

13. Come on, what kind of monster gets up without flushing?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

12. If this picture is any indication, she missed the last few times you came to visit her.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

11. She probably doesn’t believe in vaccinations either.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

10. If Adobe knew this is how people were going to use Photoshop, they would have thrown the code into the ocean.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

9. Aww, this funeral is SO about me.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

8. I feel like we should have blurred out these ta-tas, right?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

7. If you’re diabetic, look away immediately.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

6. It’s going to be so easy to catch criminals when they just start posting their own wanted posters.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

5. When you’re having a great hair day, why let a little death get in the way of showing it off?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

4. Anne Frank in the house! What’s up!?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

3. He’s definitely going to hell for that one. No way around it.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

2. That’s a Four Square check-in where you really don’t want to become mayor.
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet

1. He leaned into the casket for that one. Was the rest of the family there? How is this a real thing?
The Definitive Ranking of the 50 Worst Selfies Ever Posted on the Internet


