- Wake up, sleepy head, it’s time to enjoy this week’s funniest GIFs.Wake up, sleepy head, it’s time to enjoy this week’s funniest GIFs.
- Just one of many reasons not to sag your pants.Just one of many reasons not to sag your pants.
- You ever feel like the world is out to get you the second you step out of the door?You ever feel like the world is out to get you the second you step out of the door?
- Look at the smile on that little kid’s face. He knew exactly what he was doing.Look at the smile on that little kid’s face. He knew exactly what he was doing.
- Click here for more of the hilarious Thanks Obama meme.Click here for more of the hilarious Thanks Obama meme.
- Twerk that thang, dog.Twerk that thang, dog.
- Thanks kid, for doing what we were all thinking.Thanks kid, for doing what we were all thinking.
- Fat cat in a little box…Fat cat in a little box…
- Hell hath no fury like a banana scorned.Hell hath no fury like a banana scorned.
- I’d say this epitomizes the term "remote control car fail."I’d say this epitomizes the term "remote control car fail."
- If you’re a married man, you have definitely had this thought at least once in your life.If you’re a married man, you have definitely had this thought at least once in your life.
- I hope he wished for a fire extinguisher.I hope he wished for a fire extinguisher.
- Pretty sure I’d mess my pants in this scenario.Pretty sure I’d mess my pants in this scenario.
- Trampolining: you’re doing it wrong.Trampolining: you’re doing it wrong.
- If this is not how you remember Miley Cyrus twerking at the VMAs, then you are not remembering the VMAs correctly.If this is not how you remember Miley Cyrus twerking at the VMAs, then you are not remembering the VMAs correctly.
- Are you ready for some football?Are you ready for some football?
- Drunk smack cam is way better than sober smack cam.Drunk smack cam is way better than sober smack cam.
- Wait, did Batman invent the stop short move?Wait, did Batman invent the stop short move?
- That is one cat that takes its hamper very seriously.That is one cat that takes its hamper very seriously.
- Doge is very upset with your tickling.Doge is very upset with your tickling.
- The real secret behind morning wood.The real secret behind morning wood.
- As Jesse Pinkman would say, "Yeah science!"As Jesse Pinkman would say, "Yeah science!"
- Has anyone seen my ribbon?Has anyone seen my ribbon?
- Yep. That about sums up Mondays.Yep. That about sums up Mondays.
- Just keep on walking. Nothing to see here.Just keep on walking. Nothing to see here.
- That moment when you realize you’ve outgrown the playground.That moment when you realize you’ve outgrown the playground.
- We all have that friend who can’t sit still while he’s talking on the phone.We all have that friend who can’t sit still while he’s talking on the phone.
- When a cat is involved, you don’t even need to turn on the remote controlled helicopter to be entertained.When a cat is involved, you don’t even need to turn on the remote controlled helicopter to be entertained.
- "Am I still in the shot? What if I stand completely still? How about now?""Am I still in the shot? What if I stand completely still? How about now?"
- When a train says, "Choo choo!" you get the hell out of the way.When a train says, "Choo choo!" you get the hell out of the way.
- This is how I eat breakfast every morning.This is how I eat breakfast every morning.