Cats may own the Internet, but dogs deserve much more e-love than they are getting. To help change that here are 38 very awesome gifs of dogs being dogs.
Before you click through, follow us on Google+. We have some dogs there, too.
Cats may own the Internet, but dogs deserve much more e-love than they are getting. To help change that here are 38 very awesome gifs of dogs being dogs.
Before you click through, follow us on Google+. We have some dogs there, too.
- Monkey 1, Dog 0.Monkey 1, Dog 0.
- It’s cool guys, I got it.It’s cool guys, I got it.
- Sweet dreams are not made of running into a wall.Sweet dreams are not made of running into a wall.
- Sneaky pug is sneaky.Sneaky pug is sneaky.
- This may be the greatest gif of all time.This may be the greatest gif of all time.
- So close.So close.
- See ya.See ya.
- Will dance for kibble.Will dance for kibble.
- No, really, I am Satan.No, really, I am Satan.
- These guys need their own sitcom.These guys need their own sitcom.
- The reason dogs are so awesome is he is completely unfazed by smashing his head into the sliding glass door.The reason dogs are so awesome is he is completely unfazed by smashing his head into the sliding glass door.
- Remember what I said about the red ball dog gif? Well, this is actually the greatest gif of all time.Remember what I said about the red ball dog gif? Well, this is actually the greatest gif of all time.
- Put ‘er there.Put ‘er there.
- Whoops.Whoops.
- There needs to be a dog olympics.There needs to be a dog olympics.
- Usain Bolt’s got nothing on me.Usain Bolt’s got nothing on me.
- Just out for our daily stroll.Just out for our daily stroll.
- Let me just…ease on in…here…Let me just…ease on in…here…
- It’s cool, I’ll tuck myself in.It’s cool, I’ll tuck myself in.
- Sometimes it’s just too much.Sometimes it’s just too much.
- The self perpetuating machine.The self perpetuating machine.
- He’s not going to let his little legs stop him from getting down those stairs.He’s not going to let his little legs stop him from getting down those stairs.
- This dog needs his own Catskills show.This dog needs his own Catskills show.
- Everything is "bite size" for dogs. Even giant burritos.Everything is "bite size" for dogs. Even giant burritos.
- Just a pug in a pink unicorn suit.Just a pug in a pink unicorn suit.
- Chihuahuas really love dancing.Chihuahuas really love dancing.
- Beat it, Batman.Beat it, Batman.
- To be fair, he had it coming.To be fair, he had it coming.
- Later.Later.
- It’s important to pick your battles.It’s important to pick your battles.
- Pug-a-boo.Pug-a-boo.
- Just hold my hand. We’ll get through this.Just hold my hand. We’ll get through this.
- I think Fred Astaire came back as a pug.I think Fred Astaire came back as a pug.
- Whoever drew the arms on this dog should get some sort of Internet humanitarian award.Whoever drew the arms on this dog should get some sort of Internet humanitarian award.
- It’s important to use the crosswalk.It’s important to use the crosswalk.
- Smile for the camera.Smile for the camera.
- Well, I’m not going to do that again.Well, I’m not going to do that again.