- This week’s funniest GIFs are here, so dive right in and bathe in the LOLz.This week’s funniest GIFs are here, so dive right in and bathe in the LOLz.
- If you don’t like crotch shots, I don’t like you.If you don’t like crotch shots, I don’t like you.
- That’s exactly how my dad taught me how to ride a bike.That’s exactly how my dad taught me how to ride a bike.
- Remind me never to call "Next" when this guy is on the ping pong table.Remind me never to call "Next" when this guy is on the ping pong table.
- Rafts are for lounging on, not sliding down dirt hills on.Rafts are for lounging on, not sliding down dirt hills on.
- I can’t tell whether this is funnier if the kid did it on purpose or if it was an accident.I can’t tell whether this is funnier if the kid did it on purpose or if it was an accident.
- Synchronized Puppy Fails needs to be an Olympic sport.Synchronized Puppy Fails needs to be an Olympic sport.
- Some of us go through our whole lives just waiting for a high five.Some of us go through our whole lives just waiting for a high five.
- At least this guarantees he’ll never have kids of his own to try something this stupid.At least this guarantees he’ll never have kids of his own to try something this stupid.
- You ever have one of those days where even the water bottles are against you?You ever have one of those days where even the water bottles are against you?
- Accurate GIF is accurate.Accurate GIF is accurate.
- This girl is way too young to learn about how disappointing life turns out to be.This girl is way too young to learn about how disappointing life turns out to be.
- Guns don’t kill people, people do. People also smack other people in the face with guns, which seems like overkill, if you ask me.Guns don’t kill people, people do. People also smack other people in the face with guns, which seems like overkill, if you ask me.
- Someone should’ve paid closer attention to where that little rabbit was going to be drawing that circle.Someone should’ve paid closer attention to where that little rabbit was going to be drawing that circle.
- The kid had to learn that rugby is a tough sport sooner or later.The kid had to learn that rugby is a tough sport sooner or later.
- Might want to turn down the setting on that leaf blower.Might want to turn down the setting on that leaf blower.
- This is exactly what I look like when I go ice skating. And exactly what’s going through my mind, too.This is exactly what I look like when I go ice skating. And exactly what’s going through my mind, too.
- This guy looks like he just woke up from a week-long bender.This guy looks like he just woke up from a week-long bender.
- Click here to check out more awesome goat GIFs.Click here to check out more awesome goat GIFs.
- Hit and run. And hit. And run one more time.Hit and run. And hit. And run one more time.
- "Don’t mind me…just gonna grab this…for a second…over here…""Don’t mind me…just gonna grab this…for a second…over here…"
- Never take your eye off your kid. And if you do, definitely don’t do it on camera.Never take your eye off your kid. And if you do, definitely don’t do it on camera.
- This is on The Bible Blu-ray DVD gag reel.This is on The Bible Blu-ray DVD gag reel.
- There’s road rage and there’s this.There’s road rage and there’s this.
- That’s so Raven.That’s so Raven.
- War was so much cooler back in the olden days.War was so much cooler back in the olden days.
- If you haven’t seen Pooty Tang, I highly recommend you do so.If you haven’t seen Pooty Tang, I highly recommend you do so.
- Yep. White people still can’t jump.Yep. White people still can’t jump.
- This is why I always take the elevator.This is why I always take the elevator.