The funniest GIFs of the week are here and we really want to give you a high five to celebrate, but you might want to put down that coffee first. And get off that skateboard. And, come to think of it, take off that headband, you look ridiculous.
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The funniest GIFs of the week are here and we really want to give you a high five to celebrate, but you might want to put down that coffee first. And get off that skateboard. And, come to think of it, take off that headband, you look ridiculous.
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There needs to be gambling on races like this.
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There needs to be gambling on races like this.
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Never nap in front of your friends. Ever.
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Never nap in front of your friends. Ever.
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Hey. Not cool, monkey.
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Hey. Not cool, monkey.
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This is how I leave every Mandatory edit meeting.
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This is how I leave every Mandatory edit meeting.
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I miss gym class.
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I miss gym class.
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Hang in there, bunny, only one more day in the work week.
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Hang in there, bunny, only one more day in the work week.
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Hey, they call it the "danger zone" for a reason.
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Hey, they call it the "danger zone" for a reason.
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The windshield may be clean, but now you’re going to have to clean all of the cat crap off the hood.
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The windshield may be clean, but now you’re going to have to clean all of the cat crap off the hood.
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So close.
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So close.
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We’ve all been there before, buddy.
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We’ve all been there before, buddy.
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Never forget. Cats are a-holes.
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Never forget. Cats are a-holes.
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Wonder what he had for lunch today.
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Wonder what he had for lunch today.
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I’m not totally sure what they were trying to accomplish here but I’m pretty sure that is not it.
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I’m not totally sure what they were trying to accomplish here but I’m pretty sure that is not it.
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Such a majestic creature.
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Such a majestic creature.
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Hungry car is hungry.
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Hungry car is hungry.
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You can’t be man’s best friend without spending all of your time together.
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You can’t be man’s best friend without spending all of your time together.
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I feel just as strongly about getting my breakfast.
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I feel just as strongly about getting my breakfast.
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Red means sit there in the way. Yellow means sit there in the way. Green, too. Pretty much just keep sitting there in the way. We all know you’re not moving until you feel like it anyway.
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Red means sit there in the way. Yellow means sit there in the way. Green, too. Pretty much just keep sitting there in the way. We all know you’re not moving until you feel like it anyway.
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Kenny Powers is awesome and this GIF proves it.
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Kenny Powers is awesome and this GIF proves it.
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My brain. It hurts.
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My brain. It hurts.
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Just so you know, Miley, this is how the whole world sees you.
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Just so you know, Miley, this is how the whole world sees you.
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Did watching this make R. Kelly pop into anyone else’s head?
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Did watching this make R. Kelly pop into anyone else’s head?
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This is why you should never have kids.
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This is why you should never have kids.
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Sweet moves, brah.
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Sweet moves, brah.
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Sometimes you just gotta stretch out before you continue on with your nap.
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Sometimes you just gotta stretch out before you continue on with your nap.
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I would really appreciate it if you guys didn’t do anything for the Vine ever again.
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I would really appreciate it if you guys didn’t do anything for the Vine ever again.
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The House of Beef sounds like a cool place no matter how many dimensions you’re in.
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The House of Beef sounds like a cool place no matter how many dimensions you’re in.
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You finally know how we feel, Ronald.
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You finally know how we feel, Ronald.
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This is why I try to avoid using public bathrooms unless it’s an extreme emergency.
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This is why I try to avoid using public bathrooms unless it’s an extreme emergency.
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