If you’re really being honest with yourself, you think it’s funny when dogs hump things. Whether it’s a pillow, a stuffed animal, or in this case, a terrible trampolinist, the constant thrusting of a furry fellow up against an unwilling participant is equal parts mesmerizing and hilarious. So sit back and laugh at this GIF collection of dogs humping things. Then go read a book to regenerate your brain cells, because I’m pretty sure this made us all a lot stupider.
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If you’re really being honest with yourself, you think it’s funny when dogs hump things. Whether it’s a pillow, a stuffed animal, or in this case, a terrible trampolinist, the constant thrusting of a furry fellow up against an unwilling participant is equal parts mesmerizing and hilarious. So sit back and laugh at this GIF collection of dogs humping things. Then go read a book to regenerate your brain cells, because I’m pretty sure this made us all a lot stupider.
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Remind me never to crash on this person’s couch.
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Remind me never to crash on this person’s couch.
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So, so sexy. The girl’s dancing isn’t bad, either.
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So, so sexy. The girl’s dancing isn’t bad, either.
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You have to admire that dog’s focus. He does not stop the thrusting rhythm once during her entire performance.
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You have to admire that dog’s focus. He does not stop the thrusting rhythm once during her entire performance.
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Always make sure you’re alone before you start grinding.
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Always make sure you’re alone before you start grinding.
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That cow really seems to be taking things in stride.
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That cow really seems to be taking things in stride.
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Who said dogs and cats don’t get along?
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Who said dogs and cats don’t get along?
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I really enjoy how she had to double-check that he was indeed humping her leg before she ran off in fear.
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I really enjoy how she had to double-check that he was indeed humping her leg before she ran off in fear.
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It’s good to learn about humping dogs at an early age.
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It’s good to learn about humping dogs at an early age.
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Talk about a foot fetish.
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Talk about a foot fetish.
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Neither one of these dogs looks too thrilled with what’s going on here.
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Neither one of these dogs looks too thrilled with what’s going on here.
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I have never seen a dog’s o-face before and I never want to again.
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I have never seen a dog’s o-face before and I never want to again.
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The look of terror on that girl’s face really says it all.
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The look of terror on that girl’s face really says it all.
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What is that saying? "It’s not the size of the dog in the hump, it’s the size of the hump in the dog." That sounds about right.
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What is that saying? "It’s not the size of the dog in the hump, it’s the size of the hump in the dog." That sounds about right.
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That look of shame conveys all of the proper emotions after getting face-humped.
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That look of shame conveys all of the proper emotions after getting face-humped.
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Oh dear God. This is where we stop.
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Oh dear God. This is where we stop.
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