- This week’s funniest GIFs are greater than some sort of amazing superhuman combination of Emma Watson and Sofia Vergara. Yeah, they’re that good. So stop staring and get on with it, already.This week’s funniest GIFs are greater than some sort of amazing superhuman combination of Emma Watson and Sofia Vergara. Yeah, they’re that good. So stop staring and get on with it, already.
- Many life lessons were learned here.Many life lessons were learned here.
- Me after the bars close.Me after the bars close.
- Let this be a lesson to all of you out there who still think it’s ok to drink and drive.Let this be a lesson to all of you out there who still think it’s ok to drink and drive.
- In case you’re wondering what it looks like when my boss tells me I can go to lunch.In case you’re wondering what it looks like when my boss tells me I can go to lunch.
- On the other hand, this is what Mandatory editor Gary Dudak does to the rest of us during lunch time.On the other hand, this is what Mandatory editor Gary Dudak does to the rest of us during lunch time.
- He really put up a valiant fight all the way down the stairs.He really put up a valiant fight all the way down the stairs.
- Maybe tomorrow.Maybe tomorrow.
- If I were to sum up my dating history in one GIF, this would be the one.If I were to sum up my dating history in one GIF, this would be the one.
- I don’t use the term "metal as fuck" lightly, but I definitely think it applies here.I don’t use the term "metal as fuck" lightly, but I definitely think it applies here.
- I see a bright future for this one.I see a bright future for this one.
- "Anyone else hear that bell?""Anyone else hear that bell?"
- Few things in life are as amusing as the slow but inevitable fall fail.Few things in life are as amusing as the slow but inevitable fall fail.
- Do not say the wrong thing to this kid.Do not say the wrong thing to this kid.
There are many great places to try a bouncy ball stunt, but the kitchen is definitely not one of them.
There are many great places to try a bouncy ball stunt, but the kitchen is definitely not one of them.
- This looks like a soccer game, but this kid could also totally hack it as a Cubs fan.This looks like a soccer game, but this kid could also totally hack it as a Cubs fan.
- Possibly the meanest thing you can do to someone napping in the car.Possibly the meanest thing you can do to someone napping in the car.
- So close.So close.
- Those are some fine parenting skills on display.Those are some fine parenting skills on display.
- Soccer can be just as dangerous as football.Soccer can be just as dangerous as football.
- Danny DeVito is a national treasure.Danny DeVito is a national treasure.
- We’ve all seen this GIF of Leonardo DiCaprio dancing in ‘The Wolf of Wall Street,’ but have you ever noticed the amazing thrusting by the dude in the orange pants in the background before?We’ve all seen this GIF of Leonardo DiCaprio dancing in ‘The Wolf of Wall Street,’ but have you ever noticed the amazing thrusting by the dude in the orange pants in the background before?
- This sums up the entire Internet in one GIF.This sums up the entire Internet in one GIF.
- Cats need to be watched at all times.Cats need to be watched at all times.
- Um…what the hell?Um…what the hell?