- This week’s funniest GIFs will cause a tsunami of laughs. See? You’re already yukking up a storm. And they only get funnier from here.This week’s funniest GIFs will cause a tsunami of laughs. See? You’re already yukking up a storm. And they only get funnier from here.
- Pretty much how I shower every morning.Pretty much how I shower every morning.
- This is why I never run in marathons.This is why I never run in marathons.
- I think we can all agree that this ended exactly how it was supposed to end.I think we can all agree that this ended exactly how it was supposed to end.
- The next "Jurassic Park" looks awesome.The next "Jurassic Park" looks awesome.
- So close.So close.
- You never need to take your dog for a walk again.You never need to take your dog for a walk again.
- Nothing worse than an itchy butt.Nothing worse than an itchy butt.
- Scarred for life.Scarred for life.
- No wonder "The Big Bang Theory" wins in the ratings every week.No wonder "The Big Bang Theory" wins in the ratings every week.
- I hope this is what the World Cup is like this summer.I hope this is what the World Cup is like this summer.
- This is the most trusted face in news right now.This is the most trusted face in news right now.
- Hockey can be a majestic sport when the players work together as a team. This is not one of those majestic times.Hockey can be a majestic sport when the players work together as a team. This is not one of those majestic times.
- Wearing a bike helmet doesn’t help when you’re carrying an umbrella.Wearing a bike helmet doesn’t help when you’re carrying an umbrella.
- No wonder Snow White passed out.No wonder Snow White passed out.
- Me, every time I walk into the office on a Monday.Me, every time I walk into the office on a Monday.
- I didn’t think cats with bread on their face could get any better, and yet these animated arms are here to prove me wrong.I didn’t think cats with bread on their face could get any better, and yet these animated arms are here to prove me wrong.
- Michael Phelps is taking his training for the Summer Olympics very seriously.Michael Phelps is taking his training for the Summer Olympics very seriously.
- Cats always land on their feet. Especially when their owners throw them.Cats always land on their feet. Especially when their owners throw them.
- You need to see the video of this cat running into a glass door to truly appreciate what’s happening here.You need to see the video of this cat running into a glass door to truly appreciate what’s happening here.
- Just walk it off. No one will notice.Just walk it off. No one will notice.
- Before you spend all your money on that fancy new toy, remember that half a lemon will keep your dog occupied for hours.Before you spend all your money on that fancy new toy, remember that half a lemon will keep your dog occupied for hours.
- Does anyone else hear "The Lion King" theme playing?Does anyone else hear "The Lion King" theme playing?
- The early bird catches the worm (and the tiny dog catches the sausages).The early bird catches the worm (and the tiny dog catches the sausages).
- So wrong. So funny.So wrong. So funny.
- We were all there at one time in our youth.We were all there at one time in our youth.