We love memes. You love memes. Everyone loves memes. So we want to give you the chance to make your own hilarious meme in our brand new Meme Generator. Type in a joke at the top and bottom of the image and we will post our favorite submissions at the end of the week.
Here's an example to inspire you:
Now get to meme-ing and make us proud.
If we choose your meme, we’ll use your name to give you credit in our gallery!
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* Your email address will remain private. Submitting your email is optional, and should be used only if you wish to be contacted by Mandatory editors via email in regards to your submission or to sign up for our newsletter. Mandatory editors shall choose the winning submissions in their sole discretion.
You’ve submitted your meme!
If the Mandatory editors choose your meme, it will be posted in Thursday’s Meme Gallery.