14 Fun And Easy April Fool’s Day Pranks Your Kids Will Totally Fall For
April Fool's Day is the perfect day for parents to get revenge on our children for all the times they've embarrassed or stressed us out. These ideas are all fun and easy to do without any permanent damage… muahaha.
Tell them you made sundaes, but use mashed potatoes and gravy.
"Googly eye" everything in the fridge!
Tell them you made "brownies."
Stuff their shoes with toilet paper.
Freeze a bowl of cereal overnight. Place it out for them in the morning and enjoy the show!
Bake chocolate chip cookies with mashed potatoes and black beans.
Give them an april fool's day lollipop.
Take a picture of someone your kid knows very well "floating."
Put a twist on an egg breakfast. A halved peach in yogurt not only looks like an egg, but also makes a delicious breakfast!
Ask them to get the mail and leave a surprise in the mailbox.
If you have multiple cereals, swap the inside bags.
Place Cheerios in a bag and tell them to plant some powdered doughnuts.
Make candy apples with onions.
And if you're really in the mood for some fun, you can give this one a try!
(H/T) BuzzFeed.
It's going to make a mess, but the reaction will totally be worth it!