He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing

People are drawn to these portraits because they have something very different about them (from a distance especially).

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

And seeing them in person is a whole different feeling than seeing the photograph.

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

Because they have a sense of depth that the photo can't capture.

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

These incredible 3D portraits are by artist Andrew Myers.

His medium? Screws. Thousands and thousands of screws.

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

Myers draws out a face and then pre-drills 8,000 to 10,000 holes by hand. And he doesn't rely on any computer software to guide him, he figures it out as he goes along.

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

He paints over each of the screw heads individually, so that in the end, the sculpture looks like an actual portrait.

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

He Drills Thousands Of Screws Into The Wood. The Result Is Absolutely Amazing
Credit: Andrew Myers

"When other people look at this work, I hope they can see the amount of thought and work that went into each piece," Myers tells My Modern Met. "I feel I have used everything I've learned over the past decade, including sculpture, painting, construction etc, to create something that I had never seen before."

See more of his Andrew Myers amazing art on his website.


